Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fundraising ideas

Do you need a great way to raise money for your favorite local charity, church or children's activity? Have a Barefoot Books book drive. These books can work as a stand alone event or incorporated with a bazaar or vendor event. Check it out!

As an added bonus, the company is offering a prize to readers. Show them how you share healthy cooking with your children and you can win a grand prize of a $500 Whole Foods gift card.

As always, thanks for stopping by. Please don't forget to leave any interesting and creative family friendly ideas you come across.




  1. Aren't Childrens books Fantastic!!!! I love collecting them! Thanks for the info.
    Dropping in from SITS!

  2. Hello there! Thanks so much for the Blog love. And I truly love yours. And thanks for the tip about the Book co. I am going to investigate that today! I am following you too now.
    Gotta love that SITS! Have a colorful day!

    Steph Jordan
    oh and lots of instructionals on
